21 March 2010


Hi sugars

As you've probably noticed, I've had a little holiday from blogging... - truth be told, I have steered clear of blogging anything about pots and sd's in case I'm jinxing myself, because that is what seems to have been happening. I'd like to think men really aren't that flaky..... not sure whether I was jinxing myself or not, but I had 3 sd's - and all have flaked on me (fricken men!!)

I certainly have a few stories to share, that's for certain :) and I promise I will get my sugarblog mojo back asap... but to share a little bit of sweet goss with you - I have one semi-daddy, a lovely guy who I see once a week-ish, who is totally lovely... and have met with another who I quite like, he can certainly give me what I want (or so he claims - because obviously I can give him what HE wants, LOL!!) but he doesn't know exactly what he wants... ugh!

These sugar dating sites are being bastardised by people looking for real relationships.... is anyone else finding this too?

Hope you're all having fun in sugar land... I really need to catch up on everyone's blogs - and discover all the new ones which no doubt have emerged since I've been 'away'....

Much love



  1. I stopped joining SD dating sites for 6 months ago now because I found out that many men on there are looking for girlfriends and others are looking for hookers, pay and play or cheap SBs. I'm sorry to say that the sugar world is now spoiled by these people.

  2. Thanks La bella, in a way I'm glad I'm not the only one finding this.... Let's hope Jess Bunny sets up her SD/SB site pronto, then we can all support her :)

  3. Hello Honey Baby,

    I have 2 websites:

    www.americansugarbabes.com (not online currently) and www.sugardaddybabes.eu,

    that I am trying to get rid of.

    Would you be interested in them ? Perhaps it would be a fun hobby to help others achieve their dreams.

